
The School of Finance of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, formerly known as the Finance Department of Zhongyuan University established in 1949 and the Finance and Credit Major of Capital construction established in 1956, is one of the earliest training bases for financial and investment talents after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1978, the College began to enroll postgraduate students majoring in Money and Banking , and it was granted the right to grant the doctoral degree of Money and Banking. In 1995, the doctoral program in Investment economics became the only doctoral program in China. In August 2000, the Department of Finance and the Department of Investment were merged to form the School of Finance. From September 2000 to September 2010, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law cooperated with New China Life Insurance(NLI). During this period, the college was once named Xinhua Finance and Insurance College. In 2014, the college won the title of Advanced Collective of National Education System. In 2019, the College was selected into the second batch of pilot institutes (departments) of the Ministry of Education's comprehensive reform of Sanquan Education. In 2021, the Party Branch of the Banking Management Teaching and Research Office was approved by the Ministry of Education as the third batch of National College Model Party Branch. In 2022, Virtual Teaching and Research Section of Banking Management Courses was selected into the first batch of Virtual Teaching and Research Section construction pilot list of the Ministry of Education.

The finance subject of our School is a national key subject and an important supporting subject of our school's double first-class construction. Finance is a national characteristic specialty construction point and has been approved as a national specialty comprehensive reform pilot project. Investments and Monetary Finance were rated as national excellent courses and national excellent resource-sharing courses; Financial Engineering and International Finance were rated as national bilingual demonstration courses; Investments was rated as national offline first-class courses; and Securities Investment was rated as national online and offline hybrid first-class courses. The teaching team of the core course of finance is a national teaching team. In 2021, Digital Technology and Modern Finance Subject Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Base was selected into the list of Higher Education Subject Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Plan jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Our College consists of departments of Finance, Financial Engineering, Insurance and Investment. There are 8 undergraduate majors, including Finance, Financial Engineering, Insurance, Actuarial Studies, Investment, Engineering Management, Real Estate Development and Management, and Engineering Cost. Among them, Financial Engineering (2019), Investment (2019), Finance (2020) and Insurance (2022) are the national first-class undergraduate programs. Real Estate Development and Management (2020), Engineering Management (2022) and Engineering Cost (2022) are provincial first-class undergraduate programs. Finance (Chartered Financial Analyst experimental class) and finance + Computer Science and technology double degree experimental class, as well as two international joint training projects: 3+1 undergraduate and master's degree joint program with Loughborough University (UK) (finance major), and 3+1 double bachelor's degree program (finance major) with University of Rhode Island (USA); There are 6 academic master's programs in Finance, Investment, Insurance, Real Estate Economics, Financial Engineering, Management Science and Engineering (Project Management) and 2 professional master's programs in Finance and Insurance. There are 4 doctoral programs in Finance, Insurance, Financial Egineering, Investment, and the applied economics postdoctoral research station. The College also has Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center of Industrial Upgrading and Regional Finance, Hubei Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences in Hubei Province—Hubei Finance Research Center, Wuhan Soft Science Research Base—Soft Science Research Base of Scientific and Technological Financial Innovation, China Investment Research Center and 5 research institutes of Finance, Insurance, Investment, Real Estate and Capital Market, etc. The Finance and Investment Experimental Teaching Area of our College (affiliated to the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Economic Management and the National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of our University) has 4 laboratories, including Banking and Securities, Investment and Engineering, Insurance and Actuarial, and Financial Engineering.

There are 108 full-time faculty members, including 34 full professors and 45 associate professors, 5 enjoying the government allowance of The State Council, 3 enjoying the government allowance of Hubei Province, 4 receiving the New Century Outstanding Talents Support program of the Ministry of Education, and 21 receiving overseas doctoral degrees. Professor Zhou Jun is one of the first batch of Jingchu Famous Social Science Scholars named and commended by Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (2012), and won the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Financial Discipline. Professor Zhang Zhonghua used to be the deputy Chairman of the Finance Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education. Professor Zhu Xinrong won the first Hongru Financial Education Fund Finance Outstanding Teacher Award (2015), Hubei Famous Teacher (2012) and other honorary titles, National Famous Teaching Teacher (2020), Hubei Special Expert (2021) Professor Li Zhisheng won the honorary title of Hubei Famous Teacher studio host (2019). Professor Liu Huihao won the “Chutian Gardener Award” (2019). Nearly 90% of the full-time teachers have a doctor's degree, and more than 60% have more than half a year of overseas study experience. The College has also hired many professors from the University of Michigan, Boston University, the University of Miami, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Manchester and other famous universities as Wenlan Scholars distinguished professors. Michael Connolly and other internationally renowned economists as well as Liu Hongru, Li Yang and other domestic well-known experts and scholars as honorary professor, visiting professor or adjunct professor.

The College now has 2089 undergraduate students, 1115 master's students, 125 doctoral students and several post-doctoral researchers. It has formed a complete personnel training system of bachelor's -- master's -- doctor's -- post-doctoral research. Over the years, graduates at all levels have maintained a high employment rate and high-quality employment, and have been awarded the title of Advanced Collective of Graduate Employment by the university for many times. Among the graduates of the class of 2022, 140 went to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other top universities in China for further study, accounting for 28.11%; 58 students, accounting for 11.65%, went to Boston University, Columbia University, New York University, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Imperial College London and London School of Economics and Political Science, among the top 50 universities in the QS world. 142 people went to the National Tax Bureau, China Development Bank, People's Bank and other institutions, China Construction second Bureau, third bureau, fifth bureau, China Railway Tunnel and other state-owned enterprises, Country Garden, Poly, Ping An and other leading enterprises in the industry, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Macau and other state-owned and commercial banks 28.51%.

At present, the college has more than 40 international students of different levels and types from over 10 countries and regions. We has established undergraduate and graduate exchange programs with foreign universities such as the University of Miami in the United States and ESC RENNES in France, and collaborated with the University of Loughborough in the United Kingdom to cultivate the 3+1 undergraduate and master's degree program (finance major) (enrollment has been opened this year), We have collaborated with the University of Rhode Island and the University of West Georgia to establish a 2.5+1.5 dual bachelor's degree joint training program in finance. We have also collaborated with the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and the University of Kentucky in the United States to establish a dual master's degree joint training program for graduate students.

(Information till of September 2022)
